Everybody knows that song. "Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, know when to run".
I got one question for Mr. Rodgers. How in tarnation are we supposed to know? I mean, is it a course you can take in college? Wild West Poker 101. Is there an infomercial selling knowledge of what to do in every situation? Try this unfiltered knowledge risk free for 30 days or your money back. Is there anything in life that's actually risk free?
Bookstores are lousy with books trying to tell people how to live life correctly. Read this and you'll have a successful marriage. This book over here has the recipe for good self-esteem and the job you've always wanted. Everyone's got an answer for how to fix your problems. They seem to know when to walk away and when to run. Except...they're wrong.
That's right, they're all wrong. I'm not going to make broad judgements about your friends and family since I don't know them, so I'll keep this in the first person...just know I have my eyes on you. People who claim to be able to fix the flaws in my personality so I'll behave or respond a certain way, couldn't have it more mixed up. Why? Because keeping with our fun little ditty's theme I'm the only one who can clearly see the cards in my hand, so I'm the one who can make the decision of how to play. Everyone else has an opinion, and they're entitled to it, but I'm the only one who feels the itch in my legs that tells me when it's time to run like heck.
And at the end of the day, it's ALL a gamble. Some days you'll play your cards and end up on top, and others the whole pot will slip right out from under you. Sometimes you sprint when walking would have saved your breath and your legs. There are things you can set your watch by like the sun coming up, politicians lying, babies crying and the simple fact there is an all-knowing God who sees it all. Everything else is a toss up.
So why bother, right? Because this poker game is rigged. For those who believe, you know that we've already won. So take a gamble. Fold 'em, hold 'em or run like hell is on your heels. Play the game and don't bother listening to anyone elses' moves. You know your hand. Read the cards, think on your feet and keep one eye on the door. It's a wild, wild life so play the game and enjoy the ride.
(not sure I could have fit one more cliche into that, but I'll try harder next time)