Disclaimer: I love to write, but I nearly flunked poetry in college. Frost I ain't, so read at your own risk.
My car is not clean, not even close
It’s dirty, it’s cluttered, it smells like burnt toast.
On the window, a hand, quite clearly seen;
Imprint created by Grant, aged three.
His artwork was painstakingly made;
Using only the finest marmalade
A quick look down and you might see the floor,
But I haven’t seen it since 2004.
Instead of carpet are banana peels,
And ridiculous trinkets from Happy Meals.
There are sippy cups-- now growing mold;
Cheese-Its and Cheerios, 3 weeks old.
Candy wrappers, the “icky” skin of a pear;
The discarded coats they refuse to wear.
A glance in the trunk and you might be appalled,
To see “extra clothes” now two sizes too small.
I’ve forgotten to remove the stuff from the game,
But most days I’m happy I haven’t forgotten my name.
The cup holders aren’t used for cups anymore;
They’re filled with used tissues from Wilson, aged 4
This is the reason on the front seat you’ll find;
Stains of all colors, all sizes, all kinds;
From spills that occur when Mommy here drives.
The armrest cannot be used now you see,
Because my arm blocks the view of the DVD.
And every mom knows that the key to peace,
Is continuously run movies like Beauty and the Beast.
The console’s days of opening are done,
Because shoving coins in the hinges is loads of good fun.
People say, “hey, get something new to drive”
Now why would I want to give up this sweet ride?
I could be stuck in a blizzard alone and forgotten;
And survive on gummies and goldfish au gratin.
I think there is water down under Grant's feet
Cause something is wet and cold under my seat.
The back bench will have permanent car seat indentations,
So too bad for friends and family relations.
Unless they feel like sitting in a hole,
Created by Greco, Baby’s First and Costco.
The juice stains on the door are actually quite new;
They occurred during a laughing fit on the topic of poo
My car is a mess, but it is my oasis;
As I carry my kids to dozens of places.
I suppose I could clean, but I don’t, you know why?
Cause instead I am found playing with my kids outside.
My car can be messy, but my kids won’t remember
If I’m carrying beach balls around in December
20 years from now, I doubt that they’ll care;
If our car was a little worse for the wear.
Wherever we go, we go together,
And in a few years we’ll upgrade to leather.
Why is leather important to me?
It’s not, but I hear that it’s easy to clean.
So maybe by then I’ll work a bit harder;
To keep my ride from becoming a martyr.
But for now it’s a mess and I just cannot win,
But you’ll have to get over it, or just don’t get in.
My car is not clean, not even close
It’s dirty, it’s cluttered, it smells like burnt toast.
On the window, a hand, quite clearly seen;
Imprint created by Grant, aged three.
His artwork was painstakingly made;
Using only the finest marmalade
A quick look down and you might see the floor,
But I haven’t seen it since 2004.
Instead of carpet are banana peels,
And ridiculous trinkets from Happy Meals.
There are sippy cups-- now growing mold;
Cheese-Its and Cheerios, 3 weeks old.
Candy wrappers, the “icky” skin of a pear;
The discarded coats they refuse to wear.
A glance in the trunk and you might be appalled,
To see “extra clothes” now two sizes too small.
I’ve forgotten to remove the stuff from the game,
But most days I’m happy I haven’t forgotten my name.
The cup holders aren’t used for cups anymore;
They’re filled with used tissues from Wilson, aged 4
This is the reason on the front seat you’ll find;
Stains of all colors, all sizes, all kinds;
From spills that occur when Mommy here drives.
The armrest cannot be used now you see,
Because my arm blocks the view of the DVD.
And every mom knows that the key to peace,
Is continuously run movies like Beauty and the Beast.
The console’s days of opening are done,
Because shoving coins in the hinges is loads of good fun.
People say, “hey, get something new to drive”
Now why would I want to give up this sweet ride?
I could be stuck in a blizzard alone and forgotten;
And survive on gummies and goldfish au gratin.
I think there is water down under Grant's feet
Cause something is wet and cold under my seat.
The back bench will have permanent car seat indentations,
So too bad for friends and family relations.
Unless they feel like sitting in a hole,
Created by Greco, Baby’s First and Costco.
The juice stains on the door are actually quite new;
They occurred during a laughing fit on the topic of poo
My car is a mess, but it is my oasis;
As I carry my kids to dozens of places.
I suppose I could clean, but I don’t, you know why?
Cause instead I am found playing with my kids outside.
My car can be messy, but my kids won’t remember
If I’m carrying beach balls around in December
20 years from now, I doubt that they’ll care;
If our car was a little worse for the wear.
Wherever we go, we go together,
And in a few years we’ll upgrade to leather.
Why is leather important to me?
It’s not, but I hear that it’s easy to clean.
So maybe by then I’ll work a bit harder;
To keep my ride from becoming a martyr.
But for now it’s a mess and I just cannot win,
But you’ll have to get over it, or just don’t get in.