Oh the New Year. Bring on the reminiscing of 2010, bring on the resolutions. Do I sound sarcastic? Sorry. Can't help it. Every year the whole "resolution" craze causes me to act a bit childish. Like sticking my fingers in my ears and shouting "La, la, la, la, la" when someone asks me what I resolve to do in the new year. I typically respond that I plan to sever ties with all friends who ask me that question.
It's not that I haven't played the game before. I have made resolutions to loose weight, get a better job, get healthier, read more, look more like Julia Roberts (which lead back to resolution #1), cook more like Julia Child, get more organized, follow a budget. I have even resolved to not make a resolution. By March it is apparent that failure is almost inevitable and adding insult to injury is the fact I set myself up for it VOLUNTARILY in the name of holiday tradition.
The dictionary defines a resolution as a mental state or quality of being firm in purpose. I think if there is any resolution out there worth having it would just be to have the attribute of being resolved, being firm in purpose in whatever you do whenever you do it. Unfortunately for myself and most people I know or see, that isn't what occurs. The YMCA; Bed, Bath and Beyond; and financial planning firms see some of their best boosts in business during January, but remarkably some serious declines by as early as February. People don't stick with it. I know, go ahead a reel in shock at that surprising announcement.
As to the reason why? I can only speak for myself here, but I never end up doing what I set out to do because my goals are too lofty and they are set during a time when I am staring at a post-Christmas destroyed house and putting on my big girl jeans after a few (dozen) too many cookies. No one should be allowed to make a resolution whilst detoxing from Christmas carb overload.
So here is my suggestion. Instead of ringing in the new year under a heavy cloud of things resolved to do for an entire 365 days, just ring in the new year. Enjoy the fact that God has gotten you through another year and go a head and thank him for whatever he has planned next. Have some fun with friends and family and as it is still winter and there is no need to rush out for a bikini, eat a few leftover cookies. Next: Laugh. I've had to do some research on laughter recently and let me tell you, physiologically it's the best thing you can do for your body this time of year. Laughter stimulates the production of chemicals in your body that lots of people pay good money to get in bottles. It also reduces cortisol production, so it can help aide in weight loss if that's on your 2011 to-do list.
Rent a funny movie, hang out with friends over a crazy board game, or just come to my house and hang out with my kids for 10 minutes. You don't even have to mean it. The same chemical reactions happen whether you mean it or not, so laughing at Uncle Fred's stupid knock-knock jokes totally counts. I laugh hysterically every time I look at my skinny jeans right now (granted my state of mind actually borders on true hysteria), but find a reason somewhere to laugh.
I can't stop anyone from making a resolution if they are resolved (ha!) to do it, but whatever your plans, be joyful this year.
Best wishes to all of you in 2011.
With Love,