Friday, January 8, 2010


Turns out what you eat has a lot to do with how you feel. Who'd a thunk it? You put sawdust in your car's engine instead of motor oil and it's not likely to work the way you want it to. It will still look like your car, you can still get in and put the key in the ignition, crank up the radio, but the car isn't going to move. And if a car won't move, why have it. Well if you fill your body with fuel it can't use, it's going to get sluggish and it won't do what you ask it to. I know this with all my head, but my hungry, junk food loving heart doesn't care. I know I feel better, more controlled, if I'm eating healthy and often. More veggies and lean protein and less enriched carbs. As it turns out people with panic symptoms often have blood sugar issues. I have uncommonly low blood sugar and when I crash I get shaky. When I get shaky I panic. So I have been trying to eat better, but I REALLY like carbs. Fries and chips and chocolate and popcorn and....Oh I'm hungry just thinking about it.

Exercise is also a big key when fighting depression and anxiety. You read it in the books but it hard to believe until you are doing it regularly and begin to feel...normal. Whatever that is. You don't have to crazy, marathon-running, I bench 200 about it. Just get your heart rate up for thirty minutes or so and then stretch. But again..I don't want to. I want to sit at home and watch movie and eat my junk food. It looks like if I want my brain to function properly, I'm going to have to work at it.

If I got in my car and it didn't work for all the sawdust, I'd probably call a cab. Since I can exactly bypass my brain in looks like I'll have to clean the engine and fill the tank up right.