For the past two years, on my boys' birthdays, I write a letter to myself. Its purpose is to remind me what I've learned about my boys, my God and myself in that year. With all that has happened in my life this year. I thought it appropriate to make a list for myself. There are lots of moments I'd rather not have had to begin with this year, but to forget them would be a mistake. Every moment is a chance to learn something new. Maybe it's something about yourself. Maybe it's another person. Maybe it's people in general, or the environment you live in--or don't live in. Regardless, every moment answers a question you didn't think to ask and to forget them is to remain in ignorance. Ignorant people are not blissful-- as the saying would have us think--they are comatose. I'd rather be awake, even if it's painful.
Things I learned at 27
- Friends are God's version of Zoloft.
- Children are God's reminder that life is lived in the small stuff (like helping your two-year understand that it isn't necessary to bid farewell to your poop every time you flush)
- Sleep is essential.
- When sleep is a problem it can almost always be remedied with a large Revolutionary War history book. Seriously. Try it and tell me you aren't snoozing by page 5.
- Everyone should see a therapist at some point.
- Feeling beautiful can only be attained if you stop looking in mirrors. It returns the wrong type of reflection.
- My husband in incapable of putting dirty laundry in the hamper.
- It's a useless waste of energy to fight something like that when your spouse is your best friend and your personal super hero. Consider laundry his kryptonite and get over it.
- Get over it.
- Write down one good moment in a journal everyday. You'll need them on a day when you can't think of one.
- Traffic cameras really will catch you.
- Never confuse guilt with conviction
- You'll always need your mommy, even when you become one.
- Wikipedia knows everything.
- Transparency is best way of letting light into places that have become dark.
- DVD players are essential to peaceful travel.
- No one has it all together. Everyone is fractured, some people just use better glue.
- Budgeting is for geeks.
- Try to become a geek.
- Pandora can save one's sanity
- Sanity is often overrated
- I have a disorder that requires medication. There is no shame in that.
- I am healthy even if I refuse to believe it.
- Faith can't be explained or reasoned. It can only be felt and believed.
- I am not a perfect parent, which means my children will be saved from feeling the need to be perfect people.
- I cannot be "described" no matter how much my therapists want me to try. What you see is what you get...today. Tomorrow, what you see is what you get..and it may look completely different.
- I'm obsessed with the ellipses.
- I am a writer.
Most importantly I've discovered that God is all around me. He's in the people that love me, the music that moves me and the words that soothe me. For those who believe, there are no rules, only consequences, whether they be good or bad.
Thank you for reading this year. Whoever you are. I love you for being a part.