Well, I'm up so I might as well be productive. Okay, so maybe productive would be cleaning my house or folding the laundry that has my name on it, but it's 2am, so cut me some slack. I hear that's actually how Martha Stewart became Martha Stewart, she couldn't sleep at night so she got creative. I'm not Martha.
It's amazing the things you notice in the middle of the night when the rest of the world (or at least your house) is asleep
For example:
- My house is a mess. It's a mess during the day too, but I suppose I don't notice as much. I guess I could clean it while I'm up, but that borders on obsessive Martha, so I'll just be a lazy insomniac instead. Although, maybe it could get me my own show...something to think about..
- My 4-year-old talks in his sleep. Sounds like he's annoyed with someone. Can't really understand the words, but he doesn't seem happy. I hate that.
- My air conditioner is loud. I keep jumping out of my skin every time it turns on. Sounds like a bear waking up from hibernation...maybe that's what Wilson's talking to...
- My husband grunts in his sleep. Every time he moves, he grunts like it takes too much effort to move.
- My dog sleeps with his ears pointed straight up...he kinda looks like Yoda.
- Cereal is bad option for a midnight snack. Milk leaves an icky taste in your mouth and brushing would wake up the grunter.
- Looking up cures for insomnia online does not actually help insomnia, as one of the cures is NOT looking at a computer screen at night. I'm told it messes with your circadian rhythm or some such thing. Personally, I don't care much about rhythm when I'm trying to sleep.
- When you're not waking up due to panic attacks, it's actually kind of peaceful to be the only one awake. Makes me feel kind of powerful...or maybe it's voyeuristic..whatever, it's late.
- When sleep does finally come, it hits like a linebacker, hard and heavy.
- Lastly, it's probably not a brilliant idea to blog at 2am. I have a feeling I'm going to have blogger's remorse in the morning. It's sort of like drunk dialing but without the drunk...or the dialing...so maybe it's nothing like drunk dialing.
So, if you're ever up in the middle of the night, I would say check in with me to see if I'm up, but according to the experts you'd be dumb to get on the computer. So I guess, get your circadian grove on and go read a boring book. Or clean your house you Martha :)
God speed and goodnight.