Wednesday, November 18, 2009


You ever notice how the first part of the word diet is "die"? I'm sure you have. The idea of being on any sort of diet just makes me want to eat. I hate the idea, always have. I was overweight in high school. Not obese, just a little too much me to go around. I tried every diet I could find until I decided it was easier just to eat whatever you wanted and then be sick. Then I decided that made me crazy so I began exercising instead. It took me about three years, but I eventually dropped the extra weight and got my eating under control.

So, you can imagine my dissapointment when I ran across a book that seems to have a handle on my specific symptoms that recommeds..nope, not strong enough...demands a very strict diet for folks like me. Basically, they postulate that if you won't take drugs for your brian malities (which we have established I will NOT) then you have to make the chemistry in your body function better. God has given us this amazing machine, and while it'll run on whatever junk we put in it for a while, it won't be running like it's supposed to. It like when the guy at the shop tells you your car needs a certain kind of oil, but it's $30 more than the regular stuff. He says your engine will thank you. You respond that if you need your engines gratitude you'll give it to him and go with the cheap stuff. And your car runs, so you think, bah! stupid mechanic. But you notice a few weeks later that it doesn't pick up and go like it used to and a few months later you notice you gas is shooting through your car like you've got a whole the size of North Dakota in your tank. Finally, a few years later your car is crap. When you take it back to the shop they give an "I told you so, you suburban no-nothing" and tell you it's time for a new engine or new car.

Well my brain has apparently been clogged for a while, so while therapy and prayer deals with some of the clutter, I've got put the right feul in my body to help the process and keep new stuff from sticking around up there. So we're back to the dreaded DIET.

BOO! I'll post later with exactly what I'm supposed to eat..and not eat.