Tuesday, February 2, 2010

To exercise or not to exercise that is the ?

Why is it SOOOO hard to do what you know you have to. Jesus once asked a crippled dude who was sitting miserably by a pool, "Do you want to get well?" If I were the guy I would have been like, "um, duh, my sandal-footed friend". But what He was asking was an important question. One I continue to have to ask myself. Do I WANT to get well? The immediate answer is yes, but the long version is I want to just BE well. Getting well require effort. I just want a pill, or a quick fix. Liposuction of the brain. All the results, none of the effort.

Exercise used to be an escape for me. Something I did for fun. That was before this summer when now every time I run I have anxiety. Is my heart rate too high? Am I dizzy? Is that guy staring at my big butt in these pants? The thing is, if I get through it, I DO feel better. I want to ignore the mountain of research that says exercise is more effective than any of the happy pills on the market if done regularly, but how can I when the results speak for themselves?

Well I'd better stop writing, and get to running. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....