Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lay With Me

Every night we go through the same routine. Bath time, brush teeth, read story (and then another, and then another) read a Bible story (Grant's on a David v. Goliath kick--it's fitting) and then lights out and to sleep. Sounds easy and peaceful right? If you have kids, I know the secret grin is starting to tug at the corners of your mouth. It's never that easy, and if you're having an easy time now, give it six months.

Every night John and I try to extricate ourselves from their room sometime before we nod off ourselves, but how do you say no to this:

"Lay with me, Mommy"

It's said in a half-whisper with arms outstretched and bottom lip protruding. It's a despicable tactic and it works like charm every time. They don't want us to go. They don't want to be alone in the dark.

Do any of us? When the lights are off and the shadows come to life don't we all reach for something? A light, your spouse, your dog, your AK-47? (Easy hair trigger, I'm just joking). Noises that seem absolutely normal during the day, give us pause when the sun goes down. I don't know a single female who lives alone that doesn't have at least one of these three things by her bed: a flashlight, a cell phone, and a heavy or sharp object. When John's out of town I dial in 911 on my cell and just leave it by the bed so all I have to do is hit "send" to summon the Calvary. During the day, however, a 300 lbs, fully armed man could walk through my door and I'd probably offer him coffee and cake.

Anxiety can feel like midnight 24 hours a day. Everything that bumps or thumps in your life causes alarm. Did I turn the stove off? The house is about to explode. Did I tell the kids I loved them this morning? Someone is going to kidnap them tonight. Sound drastic? It IS! So what, then, dear blogger is the solution? Don't have one. At least not a sure fire, all the time, every time kind of solution, but I've got some tips. One or all, used regularly could help.

Leave a light on

Carry a big stick- figuratively. Educate yourself about what scares you if you can. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it helps me when I can fight the fear in my head with the truth in black and white.

Keep Your Cell By Your Bed- You don't have to program 911, but a friend who can be there anytime day or night. If you don't have one of those there are national crisis numbers you can call 24 hours. They'll talk you down.

Most Importantly: Reach for Someone- Swallow your pride and ask your spouse to stop what they're doing and hold you. If you live alone (or even if you don't), cool news, the Creator of the Universe is ready, willing and able to fill that void. Just reach up, and ask him to lay with you (pouting is optional, but effective).

"He will cover you with his feathers,
and under His wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and
You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day....
...'Because he loves me,' says the Lord, 'I
Will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges
my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver and honor him." Psalm 91:4-5 and 14-15 emphasis mine

My big stick