Thursday, March 18, 2010


When I say underdog theme song, what comes to mind? For me it's that whole scene in Rocky when he dashes up the steps (da da dadada da da dadada...)...can I just tell you I have NEVER seen that movie in its entirety? The two men who read this blog are shaking their heads in horror. But in every movie about an underdog, there is a song that plays somewhere in the background as they battle their way to victory. I've discovered the same goes for rough patches in my own story.

I was on a cycling team in college and I remember one year, Eminem's "Loose Yourself" would play in my head when I would try to will my tired legs to go faster.

This is the dude that co-wrote the song...kinda ruins the effect doesn't it?

When I was training for a half marathon a few years ago I would listen to Pink for hours on end and let her chick anger fuel me.

After the first attack last May it was 10th Ave. North's "By Your Side" helped me through (along with Sara Barielles' Love Song, but I have no idea why). This time it's Mike's Chair. Weird name for a band, but I heard this song on the radio as I was trying to settle down, and it was like hand grabbing me as the torrents tried to pull me away. The music video is a little...cheesy...but hey, they are Christian artists..budgets are tight. Listen to the lyrics. What's your theme song when you feel like an underdog?