I will always cry at movies, both happy and sad, so your eyes can stay dry (even as they roll at me)
I will feel your pain, at times, more deeply than you do, so you can feel only what you choose to.
I will remember, so you can forget.
I will stand up with fists blazing, so you can walk away.
I will jump from path to path, so you can walk a straight line.
I will say it out loud, so you can stay silent.
I will find new worlds, so you can save them.
I will be crazy, so you will stay sane.
I will never be your dull moment.
When the waves tumble over me, you'll be my lighthouse.
While I rock in the currents, you're white light will stay calm and strong from the rocks.
When I blow like a kite wherever the wind takes me, you're the string that brings me home.
When I cry at silly movies, you'll hand me the tissue.
You are my roots and I am your branches.
I'll always reach for the stars and sway, and you'll always dig deep for strength
Without you I'll fall with the slightest provocation.
Without me you'll have nowhere to go.
I'm part of you and you're part of me.
1 can't get to 2 without 1 more
And waves can only be waves if there's a shore.