I hate to admit this. No, I REALLY do hate it. But it looks like I am going to have to limit my TV watching. I know, I know, big deal, right? Let me give you some background though because,for me, this is monumental.
The television is my little boxed-shaped friend. It has been my constant comfort and source of entertainment since I was old enough to blink. I have watched so many re-run episodes of Gilmore Girls that I am sure that if I ever have a daughter I'll name her Lorelei. "I mean what else would I name her?" I have seen every episode of Saved By the Bell at least 5 times. In high school I watched Zack chase Kelly (and various other female types)every day after school for two straight hours. There were two episodes on the WB followed by two on TBS. "I'm so excited, I'm so...so....scared.." If you don't understand, I can't possibly explain.
Recently, with the advent of Hulu.com and Fancast.com I have been able to watch non-stop, anywhere I go. I'm not sure that there is a show out there that I haven't seen at least one episode of. And that's just TV. Let's not even start on movies (but I will just add this one tidbit. In high school I actually knew the time stamp of my favorite scene in Dirty Dancing so I could watch it over and over...sick right?!). And yes, young ones, time stamps came with VCRs...ask your mama...
I give you a sad look into my viewing history so you know how painful this next statement is for me. I have to quit TV. They don't even make patches for that. No gums, no 12-step programs, nothing. Just gotta do it cold turkey. Can't even stand up in a meeting someday and say "My name is Lucky, and I am an addict, it has been three years since my last all-day Gilmore Girls Marathon."
Why am I subjecting myself to this, you ask? For lent I decided I needed to relinquish something for Jesus that would cause me actual pain. I mean he suffered on a cross for me, so in comparison I think is the least (the very least) I can do. Remarkably after 14 days, 10 hours and 35 minutes-not that I'm counting- I can
tell a huge, gigantic, Titanic (oh crap, Leonardo, I miss you already) difference.
While I miss my daily vacations into the world of Chuck, Lorelei and Rory, the CSI team, and Veronica Mars (hey, I warned you I was sick, don't judge), I realize that in the last two weeks, my head seems...quieter. I feel like I can focus on what people are saying without movie quotes interrupting my thoughts. I can work a full day without being tempted to watch White Collar online and then feel guilty about it. I can make out the voice of reason otherwise drown out by the fictional and fantastic.
Will I never watch TV again as long as I live? Will all Hollywood couples stay married forever? Chances for both are slim. But I hope that at the end of this sabatical I have a new found control over my controller. And maybe I can live the reality show that is my life with a little less distraction.
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