We once did a teambuilding exercise where you had to have the entire room line up in order by birth date--without talking. It actually didn't take us too long. Everyone held up fingers indicating the month they were born and then once they were in groups, held up fingers indicating the day. It took us about 2 minutes and we only had one error. Now imagine that same exercise, but put everyone in separate rooms. You can't see each other, hear each other or talk to each other. All you can do is hope someone finds you and that they have a birthday near yours. How long would that take? An hour? Two? At some point would you ask, "what's the point? can we just quit and eat cookies?"
Well I gotta tell you, I'm asking that same question today. After my post yesterday I got dozens of emails from beloved friends. Some I haven't spoken to in years. Some I only know through other acquaintances. They shared their stories with me, and told me I wasn't alone. The hard thing about those emails, is realizing some of THEM, maybe some of YOU, are.
How much easier would the aforementioned silly game be if everyone was able to open the doors, run screaming down the hallways, "my birthday is July 10th". It'd take five seconds. Why?...really?..just think about for a sec. when you land on the answer, continue on.
Why are head issues so taboo? Why don't we talk about this? It's about as common as having a birth date, so why aren't we all talking in the same room trying to get things in order? As I said I had dozens of emails last night, and I keep track of how many people read each blog...that means over 55% of the people that read it, wrote. Did you see that sweet reader? YOU are not alone! There are people out there who are like you. You are only separated by me. They get what you're dealing with and if they want to help encourage me, then I bet they'd help you too. No one can help you with your problems, whatever they are, if you don't call out for help. Don't get so deep in the pit that you have to scream for someone to hear, just call out now. Speak up! Ashamed, you say? Why? 55% of readers of this blog are in the same shape. I know it's hard friends, but I wish you could watch my fingers shake every time I mention my anxiety. But it's out there. It's not a secret I have to expend energy I could be using to get well hiding. I don't have to worry who will know. And when I have a relapse, like yesterday's, I was able to swim it the outpouring of support. It's an amazing thing. I feel better today. I feel hopeful today.
That doesn't mean you have to tell all creation in a blog (remember I'm a bit crazy, just read some of my early posts). But tell someone you trust. Tell a friend, your mama, a counselor, me. Just tell someone so they can help hold you up to light. Secrets are dark, and they are heavy. You might need a hand to hold your head up. I have two. They're both yours. All you do is speak up.