I never learn more about myself than when I'm in the company of friends. Friends, the kind worth keeping, see things about us that either we can't see, or just won't see. They pay attention and aren't afraid to let you know when you're missing something.
Every week John and I meet with several other couples who are around the same age and "life stage" we are. Basically we're all half out of our mind dealing with work, school and kids. Those ties that bind...
We were discussing regrets and fears and things about our personalities we hope we don't pass to our kids. As we went around the room, something interesting happened. One person mentioned her overwhelming pursuit of busyness. She feels that if she's not busy all the time that she's wasting time. She is currently pursuing a master's degree while working full time, taking care of her family and keeping up with the most extensive coupon collection I've ever seen in my life. She talked about her need to "do" as if it was a weakness or a fault. I see it as a heck of a work ethic and amazing dedication. Another talked about her worrisome nature, but I also see that she is one of the most compassionate and caring people I know. She'd walk up to the devil and punch him in the teeth if he messed with one of her friends or family members.
I have told them all about my fears and anxieties, and hang-ups and yet they don't see those as weaknesses either. They see the fact that I am aware and fighting as a strength. Surprised but none-the-less encouraged, I thought about that all night last night. What if our weakness are actually our biggest strengths? Okay, maybe to put it a little differently, what if our biggest strengths are forged by our biggest weaknesses? The world's strongest compounds are forged by fire or pressure. If your biggest weakness is a penchant for illegal substances, I'm not saying that's a strong point, but if you get through that addiction isn't that going to be one of the biggest character builders of your life? If you break that cycle of abuse is there anything you can't do?
What if our weaknesses and idiosyncrasies are actually the branding of our Maker? Go with me on this for just a second. If we were perfect and had nothing wrong, no character flaws, no hang-ups or habits, how often would we reach out to God? Most people I know came to God out of their brokenness because He offers wholeness. How do you know you need a doctor if you have no symptoms that you're sick? We all fall short, so why not use the same traits the devil would use against us to make us the best versions of ourselves for God's glory?
Are you seeing what I'm getting at here? No? Here's one more example. At this same meeting one of my friends told me that one of these silly posts I write had caught the attention of a friend of hers who is dealing with her own fight. Her friend was encouraged. I was ecstatic! The very thing that has pulled me down into the deepest pit is the very same thing that God is using set not only me free, but maybe someone else too!
So what if my busy friend realizes that her amazing drive and dedication makes me want to get up and do something too? If she can juggle all that, surely I can get dinner on the table without running by McDonald's first.
You aren't weak my friends. You can move mountains. You may just have to move your perceptions a little bit first. Funny that, at times, perceptions of ourselves can seem bigger than the Rockies...
"Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9,10